Log Entry 1

QUIC Project for CSC 466 at UVIC

Log Entry 1

March 9, 2020

We have both installed Google’s Chromium project and built the source on our own machines. This will allow us to use the toy Quic server & client implementation for our expirimental purposes. Installing the software took hours, as the source code was over 40GB is size, and required detailed setup instructions in order to work properly. We decided to initially install the source on our own local machines, rather than on a cloud provider like AWS so that we could have QUIC running as soon as possible.

Below I will outline the steps we took in order to operate the local QUIC server & client as well as song of the inital findings. Please note that I installed the code on a Mac, you can find the installation steps for all platforms here.

We first needed to clone the depot_tools repository so that we have the tools needed to run the client & server:

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git

Once the clone was finished, we needed to add depot_tools as a PATH variable:

export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/depot_tools"

We then needed to configure git:

git config --global core.precomposeUnicode true

We then needed to make a directory for Chromuim (outside of the directory for depot_tools):

mkdir chromium && cd chromium

We then ran the fetch command (installed as part of depot_tools) in the chromium directory to check out (download) the chromium code:

fetch chromium

This installation took nearly 2 hours, which was a real drag. But eventually it finished and we navigated into the repository to build a directory for the QUIC client and server:

cd src
gn gen out/Default

It was finally time to build the QUIC server and client, in the chromium/src directory, we ran:

ninja -C out/Default quic_server quic_client

The build took a little while, but once it was finished we had a working QUIC client and server to run on our own machines!